Friday, May 29, 2015

Rindu Korea ~Bogoshippo Korea~

Apa kena dengan aku ni, pepagi dah rindu Korea.

Bila dah rindu apa lagi mulalah tengok2 blog orang gi Korea. 12hari aku kat sana. Rasa macam tak cukup je. Ingat next year nak buat short trip ke Busan lah. Nak kaver tempat2 yang belum pergi lagi.

Sebab minat K-wave semua tentang Korea aku rasa macam menarik!!!Jom kita baca fun fact tentang Korea.

Fakta2 menarik tentang South Korea

#1: Ubi Keledek (sweet potato)

  • Orang2 Korea sangat sukakan apa saja yang ada falvour sweet potato atau makanan yang diperbuat dari sweet potato. Contoh2 nya dorang gunakan sweet potato dalam main courses, desserts, chips, latte, bread dan salads.

#2: Umur Setahun Lebih Tua

  • Kalau kita dilahirkan kat South Korea, maknanya umur kita memang dikira setahun tua.Kalau umur kita kat Mesia 32tahun, kat sana diorang kira 33tahun..mungkin dorang plus setahun dalam perut kot. Tua cepatlah maknanya kalau aku dok Korea.

#3: Mabuk di khalayak ramai

  • Mabuk dikhalayak ramai dan membawa alkohol secara terang-terangan kat public adalah legal, langsung tak salah. Patutlah selamba je aku tengok diorang gather kat subway, minum ramai2 pahtu bising ramai2. Naik takut aku nak lalu dekat2 ngan dorg. Tapi orang Korea wat tatau ja. Dah biasa kot.

#4: Deathly Facts

  • Jangan gunakan pen merah untuk tulis nama orang. Dorang tak suka dan dilarang. Sebab maksudnya, kalau nama kita di tulis dengan pen merah, orang tu dah nak mati atau dah mati atau akan mati. Kepercayaan. Tapi sebenarnya memang tak elok pon.
  • South Koreans juga percaya tidur dengan kipas terpasang, boleh mengundang kematian.
  • Nombor 4 tu nombor malang bagi dorang. Macam cina kot. No 4 tu mati.

#5: Shopaholic

  • South Koreans sangat suka shopping. Sebab tu mall dorang bukak sampai pukul 4 in the morning manakala restaurants, bars, cafe are open till 11 in the night only. Dan dorang ada mall terbesar di dunia kat Busan.

#6: Taegeukgki

  • The flag has a whole lot of philosophy behind it.
  • The flag has a white background with a yin – yang symbol in the centre and four trigrams in the four corners of the flag.
  • The Yin yang is in blue and red and represents the cosmic forces acting against each other to bring a balance and harmony.
  • The trigrams on each corner symbolize the universal elements heaven, earth, fire and water.

#7: Hangul

  • Persamaan dan bonding di antara setiap Koreans adalah diorang cakap dan tulis dalam bahasa yang sama, Hangul. Hangul language ada 14 konsonan dan 10 vowels. These alphabets can be combined to form various syllables. It is considered one of the standard scientific writing systems. This particular fact is one of the most popular fact among all interesting facts about South Korea.
  • The South Koreans also read newspapers with around 63 of them having daily print editions.

#8: Why Not One Korea?

  • Till 1945, Korea had indeed remained a single unified kingdom. Once Japan was defeated in the World War II, it was ousted out of Korea and the region was divided into two. One half was governed by the Soviet Union while the other half was governed by the United States.
  • During the cold war, the two halves warred against each other and it was well known that both sides had outside support. The two halves remained separated and there was no chance of reconciliation.
  • The Korean War was the first major military conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States.
  • The South Korean Government is supposed to be a democratic one, but has been ruled by a series of military rules. It offers religious freedom and there is no national religion as such. Buddhism and Christianity have powerful presences in the nation.

#9: Colour Coded Taxi

  • The taxis in South Korea are colour coded according to the level of service offered.
  • If you hire a grey or white taxi, your tax would be a basic car with a fully qualified but not so experienced driver. Whereas if you hire a black cab, you will get a luxury car with a more experienced driver.

#10: Smiling ROOF

  • All Korean roofs are curved at the ends giving an appearance of a smile.

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